carlos de villarán



Painting taking the color at the moment it mixes with the canvas. The instant in which the color loses its individual identity in order to give a sense of a different reality which communicates its presence, its immediateness. Villaran’s colors are alive, they intensify, they vibrate in a mediterranean light which discloses some symbols of its own universe.

The sun in his compositions is a face full of expression. Situated in a second  place, watching. Observer and observed at the same time. It is the stroke of his own soul, of its  generosity openly shown.

The guitar, present also in many paintings, states the link between painting, poetry and music. The reference of the artist who is at the same time a poet.

The architectural landscapes in which a distant purity is marked over the façades of its buildings. These moving architectures surrounded by trees and palm trees blow up in colors as if it were fireworks. They express the triumph  of light and color over concept, the affirmation of hope in mankind above all.

The object is not a simple pretext in his paintings. They are more than a look, there is meditation in them, a feeling, a shared experience. All these signs talk about overcoming the conflict between the mediate and the immediate. The artist, as Orfeo with his lyre, is the only being capable of entering the abyss and bringing his beloved back from hell and, crossing  the  threshold  once more, in spite of everything.

As Baudelaire writes about Delacroix, stating that his color is “explosive”, we may state that Villaran’s colors and lights surpass the framework space, screaming his trust in life.

It may be noted sometimes that the paint brush is still perceptible in his compositions. His quality is virtually musical: colors and rhythms, related to each other as parts of a universal range in the hand of Villaran.

The light and the colors his paintings reflect are transformed in a mirror, to which we may get close and look. They bring back our image, the image of a new dwelling, of a world in which we may live as long as necessary. An image which reflects the infinite abyss of our soul.

Mar Sanchez-Ramon
April 2000 



Copyright devillaran 2012